
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Finding Balance and Inspiration and a Cool App too!

Hello friends...and welcome to my little blog!
As a newbie to the blogging world I am constantly amazed at the talent of fellow teachers, and a little intimidated too. So, this morning I was doing my normal know, coffee(lots of it!), and enjoying my daily bloglovin posts. I came across the amazing Charity Preston from TBTS. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have learned from her and TBTS about blogging! Slow and steady progress, but progress none the less for me. This time of the year is crazy; getting ready for school and having so many ideas for the classroom, and finding time to blog is hard. Balance in our lives is essential to being healthy and happy. I'm sure all of you are saying "really who has time for balance"? From Charities post I found a post about keeping balance in your life so you don't become an overwhelmed blogger (Well, that's really not me yet since I've been trying to find some inspiration to post- on second thought that is me!). I decided to create a blogging schedule, just to give me some structure because I work best that way. And, since inspiration is the key to a good post, I am carrying around a notebook with me to jot down any ideas that might pop into my head. Does anyone else do that? What inspires you as a blogger? How do you find the time to do it all? I found a cool app called Hootsuite, some of you may already be using it, but it helps to manage all your Social Media sites, and you can sign up for free! Personally, since I am in the beginning stages of setting up Social Media profiles I don't need it yet, but I plan on hooking up with it soon. Thanks for reading my post , and I hope you will come back often!

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